02 9722 5200

Sharing your feedback

We are not only in the business of improving the quality of life for people in Western Sydney. We are also in the business of improving the way we do this. So, if you have any feedback about what we have done well or what we could do better, please contact us.

How it works


We acknowledge your feedback, complaint or compliment within two business days.


If your feedback is a complaint, we will investigate and identify what action we can take to achieve a suitable outcome.


We communicate the outcome, reasons for the decision, and any actions taken by Woodville Alliance.

If you’re not satisfied, we can investigate further.

Follow up

We may follow up with you to discuss your experience.

Ways to give feedback

Directly with Woodville Alliance

We encourage you to share your feedback, suggestions or complaints with us directly so we can respond quickly.

If you receive our services, get in touch with your usual contact at Woodville Alliance. If you work with us, get in touch with your manager.

If you're unhappy with the response, lodge your feedback with Woodville Alliance below. Feedback can be anonymous if you choose.

Independent and anonymous service

We encourage you to use your voice, raise your concerns and question things you reasonably believe could be wrongdoing, including improper, unethical or illegal conduct.

If you are not comfortable raising these or any other issues, directly with us, you can use the independent speak up platform Your Call. Any contact and information provided to Your Call remains anonymous and your personal details will not be shared with Woodville Alliance if you choose.

External regulatory or advocacy agencies

If you’d like to escalate your feedback or complaint, there are external agencies that can assist. These include general or service specific escalation contacts.

For disability services, you can contact the NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission:

For community initiatives, you can contact NSW Education

For early learning, you can contact Ombudsman NSW